What extras are available at Locke Hotels?
Locke Hotels offers a number of optional extras to make your stay that little bit more comfortable. From early check-in to extra beds - we've got it covered.
Choose from:
- Early Check in: Available from 2pm for a 10€ / £10* / CHF 12 charge.
- Late Check out: Available until 1pm for a 10€ / £10* / CHF 12 charge.
- Extra Bed: Add a single travel bed subject to availability for 40€ / £40 / CHF 40 per night.
- Extra Cot: Available at no additional charge and subject to availability.
- Additional cleans: Requested at reception from 40€ / £40 / CHF 40.
- Woof Package: One flat fee of 40€ / £40 / CHF 40 per dog stay (includes deep cleaning, treats and toys).
If you want to arrange any of the above, these can be added to your booking either when you are making your booking on the website, when you check-in online, or through our Live Chat.
*Please note: At Locke at Broken Wharf, Early Check-In and Late Check-Out are priced at £20 each.
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