Help centre | Arrival and departure

How do I get to WunderLocke?

Wunderlocke is located in a leafy neighborhood, a 9-minute walk from Siemenswerke S-Bahn station, 4 km from Hellabrunn Zoo, and 9 km from Nymphenburg Palace.

From Munich Airport (MUC), the most convenient option to reach WunderLocke is by taxi, typically costing around 85-100€. For a more budget-friendly alternative, you can opt for the train journey. Take the S-Bahn, line 8, to the city center, and at Marienplatz, transfer to the subway (U3, Fürstenried West). Disembark at Aidenbachstraße and use the Hofmannstraße exit. WunderLocke will be right around the corner. Trains from the airport operate approximately every 20 minutes, with a travel time of approximately 50 minutes.

To reach Wunderlocke from Munich Central Station, board either the U1, U2, or U7 line at Hauptbahnhof and transfer to U3 at Sendlinger Tor. After a 10-minute ride on U3, disembark at Aidenbachstraße.

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